Our guarantees
No sneaky tricks or magic focuses - quality papers and fantastic prices only! Guaranteed.
Timely delivery
There’s always a writer available across your topic, so we can take your paper into work as soon as it’s ordered.
Zero plagiarism
We do papers that are Turnitin-proof and contain no plagiarism. All papers are checked for originality.
Certified experts
Expert Genies are Master’s and Ph.D. degree-holding experts from Business & Management to History
Secure payments
All payments are made on a secure checkout page. We neither share nor store any payment information.
100% privacy
Each time you order papers on ExpertGenie.net, you are fully private and anonymous. No one will find out!
Style imitation
We’ll adapt our writing style to your academic level (e.g., college, master, undergraduate) and English proficiency.
Data protection
Your personal data and payment details are encrypted using SSL, as well as protected according to CCPA & GDPR.
Instructions met
Doing all papers from scratch, we guarantee to follow all your instructions: topic, paper type, number of sources, length, etc.
We’re confident you’ll enjoy your paper! If not, we’ll revise it an unlimited number of times for free or offer a refund.
What our
Check the latest feedback from our customers worldwide.
English, Literature & Philology
Customer #372944016 , College
8 October, 2021
Working on papers is a time-consuming and nerve-damaging activity, at the very least. I'm in my second year of study at a 5-year college, and I contacted ExpertGenie for aid on my English literature assignments. This was an A-grade experience!
Business & Management
Customer #273910446 , Undergraduate
7 October, 2021
The site is simple to use, and the ordering process seemed quite simple. My instructor was really amazed at my work. She commented that the works relied on credible sources and a bulletproof thesis. Thanks a lot for giving me a hand!
Customer #251045100 , College
7 October, 2021
I'm pretty satisfied with the paper I got from these guys for my history class. I needed to do a complex work, but I had little time and, frankly speaking, any desire to go on with the assignment on my own. That’s why I got mine from expertgenie and am satisfied with the overall job done.
Customer #212639015 , College
4 October, 2021
FYI I'm doing this after getting an A in my subject. Reasonably priced – this is what really got me into this company. Friendly customer service is also a big plus. Will defo recommend the service to all my friends if they ever need one.
Social & Political Sciences
Customer #361036277 , Master
3 October, 2021
ExpertGenie is like a life-saver to me! I am a student who has to go to work, so the chance to get a paper done by someone else is exactly what helps me stay afloat. Reliable service, decent quality, no missed deadlines.
Health Sciences & Nursing
Customer #381033982 , Master
1 October, 2021
I'm relieved that a friend of mine said this service is legit. What I needed was a bit of help with my nursing research paper that I kept postponing till the last moment cuz I was too busy at the clinics. The order was performed by an expert who evidently has gotten a deep understanding of my topic and hands-on experience.
Business & Management
Customer #281026193 , College
1 October, 2021
I don't normally leave reviews, but ExpertGenie impressed me so much that I decided to give kudos to this company personally. It is a fine paper service that delivered all the five assignments I bought from them timely. I am satisfied with the rates per page.
Customer #291046199 , College
30 September, 2021
This is a strong 4.5 out of 5. Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with the level of service and the final draft I got. Professor found nothing to complain about and accepted my paper with few minor revisions that my expert did at no cost.
Social & Political Sciences
Customer #337281093 , Undergraduate
30 September, 2021
It’s really a challenge to find a quality service these days. Fortunately, I came across Expert Genie and it lived up to all my expectations really. They did a couple of assignments for me and a term paper while the quality was quite high.
English, Literature & Philology
Customer #220041845 , College
29 September, 2021
It’s safe to say that this company has already become the number one for me. I even forgot when was the last time I did a paper myself. Any topic, any deadline, any budget – Expert Genie somehow caters to all my needs in terms of an paper site perfectly.
Customer #347192740 , College
28 September, 2021
Expertgenie is among my top 3 paper sites to date. I like that this service is cheap but solid regarding quality.
Customer #390017739 , Undergraduate
26 September, 2021
A few days ago, I was feeling really sick and had this paper to compose due the next day. Can’t even imagine how I would’ve coped with the task if it wasn’t for ExpertGenie to compose a new paper from scratch for me. I just gave these guys my brief and notes and they did the rest.
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